Missionsakademie Hamburg – Mission Academy Hamburg

The Missionsakademie – Mission Academy is situated in the city of Hamburg. It provides scholarships for international students from different denominations who can work on their PhD in theology at the University of Hamburg. During this time they are being supported by the heads of study at mission academy. The academy also offers seminars and conferences on theological topics especially in the areas of ecumenism, intercultural theology and ecumenical partnership between churches.

Since February this year Mission Academy has a new head of study, Rev. Dr. Brighton Katabaro from the ELCT. In cooperation with Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World), Mission Academy is looking at the challenges of climate change for small scale farmers in the South, taking up recent findings of agroecology and deepening them theologically and interculturally.

Therefore the director of studies, Rev. Dr. Anton Knuth, is pleased too, to be part of the Church Climate Action Partnership. He is looking forward to joint projects and mutual theological exchange with the Bible School in Nyakato.

Church Climate Action Partnership with:

Further information about the Mission Academy Hamburg – Missionsakademie: