Kirchengemeinde Luther-Melanchthon zu Lübeck – Luther-Melanchthon Parish Lübeck

The parish Luther-Melanchthon belongs to the Church district of Lübeck-Lauenburg and is situated in the city of Lübeck. The partnership between Luther-Melanchthon and Angaza Igoma is many years old – it started in 1992. In 1994 the first visitors from Lübeck travelled to Igoma. The goal of a long-term-partnership has been to learn from each other, to understand one another, to share resources and to fight together for global justice. Many projects have been implemented together: Tumaini, a scholarship fund for children, Neema, assisting pregnant mothers, a project of solar lamps and – together with the technical university of Lübeck – water projects for the improvement of hygiene.

Church Climate Action Partnership with:

Further information about the Luther-Melanchthon Parish, Lübeck: