Gemeinden Hooge und Langeneß – Parishes of Hooge and Langeneß

The parishes of Hooge and Langeness belong to the church district of Nordfriesland. Both are situated on small islands, called “Hallig” in the North Sea. The churches on the islands are not only serving the people living there, but also the many tourists who come to visit the islands regularly. The island parishes strongly support the plan of the church district Nordfriesland to be “climate-neutral” by the year 2031. The church in Hooge is already receiving support by the climate protection manager of the church district. In addition, it will soon be certified as eco-fair congregation. Since the small islands in North Sea are endangered by the rising sea levels, the topic of climate change and its consequences is very important to the parish. The parish is looking forward to the exchange with a Tanzanian parish.

Church Climate Action Partnership with:

Further information about the Parishes of Hooge and Langeneß: