Mission Statement

What we stand for

The Centre for the Mission and Ecumenism of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany (Church of Northern Germany) [Ökumenewerk der Nordkirche der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Norddeutschland (Nordkirche)] shapes and promotes relationships between the Church of Northern Germany and NGOs in Africa, Asia, North, Central and South America, Europe and the Pacific. Together with other partners, the Centre is committed to justice, peace and the integrity of creation.

In cooperation with our partners, the Centre for the Mission and Ecumenism of the Church of Northern Germany advocates worldwide for joint issues. It supports church, social, medical and educational projects in partner countries. Through worldwide interaction and encounters between people across cultural and religious borders, competencies are promoted for all parties.

The Centre for the Mission and Ecumenism promotes developmental and global learning in the Church of Northern Germany within the scope of partnerships. It supports and qualifies international partnerships of groups, communities and church districts. It offers lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops, work at schools, exhibitions and consultancy.

CONNECTING PEOPLE We offer a platform for international encounters, allowing people to get to know each other and learn from one another. We promote the awareness that we are dependent on one another in One World. This also takes place in the form of exchange programmes for employees and volunteers, as well as through international encounters of community groups.

TAKING A STAND We are committed to more justice, compliance with human rights and a lifestyle characterised by solidarity. We advocate for the rights of women, men and children to live in dignity and freedom. We support people and groups which stand up for reconciliation and the integrity of creation.

LIVING OUT FAITH For us, the mission means talking about the things which fulfil us and which we believe in as Christians. We take spiritual and theological impulses from intercultural and interreligious encounters into the worldwide community and pass them on.

OPENING HORIZONS By looking beyond geographical, cultural and religious borders, a change in perspective becomes possible. We want to make the reality of life for our partners and the richness of worldwide ecumenism visible and tangible.

SHAPING THE FUTURE We promote awareness through education. We offer information and consultancy for church and secular associations. Our aim is to reflect on lifestyles and shape them sustainably, as well as supporting the dedication of people worldwide who advocate for a hospitable future fit for human beings.